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New Meetup: Friday Night Racing

From: Neil R.
Sent on: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The JIB SET Sailing Club Meetup Group!

What: Friday Night Racing

When: July 31,[masked]:00 PM

JIB SET Sailing Club
1815 Mast Tower Road Granville Island
Vancouver, BC V6H 3X7

FRIDAY NIGHT RACING is for our JIB SET members and those Meetup members who already have basic sailing skills. Details can be found on our website at - click the Friday Night Racing tab. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other sailing enthusiasts. FNR emphasizes fun over competition and after, we have a barbeque on the dock to socialize and put crews together for the weekend's sailing activities. Note: CYA Basic Cruising or equivalent experience is required.

Learn more here:

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