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New Meetup: Friday Night Racing

From: Neil R.
Sent on: Monday, August 31, 2009, 7:32 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The JIB SET Sailing Club Meetup Group!

What: Friday Night Racing

When: September 4,[masked]:00 PM

JIB SET Sailing Club
1815 Mast Tower Road Granville Island
Vancouver, BC V6H 3X7

LAST CHANCE! Our FRIDAY NIGHT RACING season is drawing to a close. FNR is for our JIB SET SAILING CLUB members and those Meetup members who already have basic sailing skills. Details can be found on our website at - click the Friday Night Racing tab. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other sailing enthusiasts. FNR emphasizes fun over competition and after, we have a barbeque on the dock to socialize and put crews together for the weekend's sailing activities. Note: CYA Basic Cruising or an equivalent certification is required.

Learn more here:

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