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New Meetup: November Jibset Meetup

From: Neil R.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 10:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The JIB SET Sailing Club Meetup Group!

What: November Jibset Meetup

When: November 14,[masked]:00 PM

JIB SET Sailing Club
1815 Mast Tower Road Granville Island
Vancouver, BC V6H 3X7

FALL SAILING IS UNDERWAY! It may be fall but that does not mean sailing is over! Join us at the Jib Set club for an Open House from noon until 3 p.m. and, weather permitting, a bit of sailing. Check out the boats including the exciting Martin 244. Find out what the Jib Set has to offer both new and experienced sailors. Space is limited so sign up soon. TO RESERVE your place call or email Jib Set.

Note: CYA Basic Cruising or an equivalent certification is NOT required to enjoy this event.

Learn more here: