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Thursday's Japanese Meetup @ Fremont's Azzurri

From: Jason T.
Sent on: Monday, May 11, 2009, 10:46 AM
We're keeping it cheap this week, so come out and enjoy a panini at Fremont's brand-new Azzurri Vino Bar! Their slogan is "Soccer, Wine, Panini". Run by the former owners of Pontevecchio, it's a casual place toward the western edge of Fremont. Most items on the menu cost $6-7, and the menu mostly consists of grilled panini, salads, and wine, plus a couple of desserts. I think you'll like it.

Nijikai may be at nearby Brouwer's, a nifty Belgian bar with a crazy beer and lambic selection, if they have enough room for us, or one of Fremont's many fine drinking spots, should we need more space.

Bus access is relatively simple, though you'll have a short walk from the most convenient bus. Parking in this part of Fremont isn't very difficult, but if you have trouble, you might try along the Fremont canal.

If the weather is good, Fremont is one of Seattle's most interesting neighborhoods to walk around, and you can see the troll, Vladimir Lenin, the Fremont Rocket, and other quirky stuff before you come to meet us at Azzurri.

As usual, if you think you might need a carpool, feel free to contact Jason ahead of time, and he will try to find someone with a compatible itinerary.

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