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Help Cowerks Grow Technology & Entrepreneurship in Asbury Park

From: Bret M.
Sent on: Monday, February 25, 2013, 6:08 PM

Over the past 9 months we’ve built what we feel is going to be a community hub for tech and entrepreneurship here at the Jersey Shore. Our new space boasts four private offices, a conference room, common space to accommodate about a dozen freelancers, contractors, and other “one-(wo)man” shows. Did I mention that there’s a huge walk out balcony overlooking Lake Wesley and Ocean Grove?

What we are building is bigger than any one individual or business and that is evident in the community that has grown over these past 2 1/2 years. With that being said, it’s time for you, as a valuable member of this community, to step up and get involved.

We’ve decided to launch a crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo to help fund our vision at We’ve created levels of participation starting as low as $20 and made sure you’ll get some cool schwag to show off for your contribution.

We’ve tried to keep all of our events either low, or in most cases, no-cost and feel that the value to the community has been immense. You no longer have to travel to NYC or attend a conference costing hundreds, or even thousands of dollars, to have access to the insight and experiences of some of the industries best and brightest. No more sitting on a train for 2 hours just to network for 45 minutes with other entrepreneurs. As we continue to expand our content offerings we have every intention of keeping things either low or no cost in the interest of building a vibrant network and resource for the community.

Help us continue to build great resources for entrepreneurs & tech enthusiasts here in Asbury Park & the Jersey Shore by visiting and making a contribution.


PS - In case you missed this:

Hacking Asbury

A hackathon-style event focused on bringing together the creative and tech community in Asbury Park and the surrounding areas.

Hacking Asbury is for anyone who likes to tinker, build, collaborate, fail, rethink, step away, shake it off, rip it all up, try again, share, laugh, cry, high five, take a deep breathe of the fresh ocean air on our office deck, get back to creating... and hang out with good people in a great Jersey Shore town.

Visit for info and to join our mailing list.


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