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What we’re about

This group is catered to Urban Professionals in New Jersey between the ages of 23-35(ish) who are looking for a good time with like minded folk when they are not working.

Many of us work way too hard, but we also like to play hard as well so why not fit in some play time in between those work hours.

Disclaimer: This group is open to anyone whether you're single/couple, employed/unemployed, tall short., etc. However, you must be goal-oriented, "home-trained", and looking to have a good time with like minded individuals.

Tentative Plans for the year:

*Happy Hours, Parties
*Bus rides to NYC to socialize and connect with similar groups/events
*Partnerships to receive discounts from different companies based on group affiliation
*Business/Job Fairs
*Speed Networking/Dating
*Philanthropic Initiatives
*Suggestions are welcome