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Leah's idea is good, but...

From: Jim C.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 11:57 AM

I think people in this group want THEIR OWN activities... not just to piggyback on other events (although that can be an easy thing for us to do.)

Take a look at the list she made, and tell me if any of those activities is of interest.


(or what else might be of interest)


--Leah wrote:


Why not host a meeting for coffee at a local coffee shop? (Look at past events to see that there were several of these over the last years.)
All you need to do it schedule a location and time and show up.
Or, if you know of an interesting event going on at the Jewish Federation/JCC or local temple, list it here. (There were also several of these during the last year.)
What about meeting for services on holidays or Shabbat?
Or even for activities such as dinner,
a cultural event, leaf viewing,
trip to the Berkshires, whatever.
Some people might only want to schedule one event a year, some might want to do several a year - that is fine. What is important is that people start getting active within the group, that there is activity and it doesn't all fall on the shoulders of one individual.

So please guys, let's get off our tucheses <  :)  >  and let's get this group going and not let it sink into oblivion. Let's all share in the continuation of this group.  It is really easy to do and if you need help, just ask Jim.


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