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From: Cheryl
Sent on: Friday, November 7, 2014, 1:13 PM

Hello everyone. I just posted a new event that I hope you will support. Terra is a new vegan and pescatarian (fish) restaurant that also happens to be kosher. It is scheduled to open sometime during the week of November 23rd. The owners have agreed to open the evening of Tuesday November 18th just for Meetup group members. There will be a set nominal fee for a limited menu that will include wood fired pizza. Robert Offe and I are notifyi g appropriate Meetup groups. Once plans are finalized I will post it on the Meetup board so stay tuned. An RSVP will be important but if that date is good for you and you can RSVP now, please do so. Contact me with any questions. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday November 18 at 7 p.m. At Terra, 238 Washington Avenue in Albany. Parking lot info will be provided in advance. Sincerely, Cheryl

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