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3rd Annual Olympics Event--Update Update!!!!

From: Barry
Sent on: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 10:21 AM
We are now 4 days away from our Olympic Event & here is an up-date on what's going on:


EAST TEAM - The Red Team
Caren -Captain of EAST
Hugh & I are the Co-Captains

John B - Captain
Barbara & Bobby are the Co-Captains

SOUTH TEAM- The Blue Team
Captain- Vikki
Cynthia & Melissa are the Co-Captain

Here is a breakdown of the teams.........

SOUTH OF 287 - Anyone living south of Interstate 287, which includes the five boroughs, Long Island and of course southern Westchester will be on the SOUTH TEAM

NORTH-WEST OF 287- Anyone living north or west of 287 (the Westchester part of 287), which includes Northern Westchester, Putnam County and points north. And people living to the west, such as Rockland & New Jersey will be on the NORTH-WEST TEAM

EAST of 287-Anyone living in the state of Connecticut (or any of the "New England states *_*)will be part of the EAST TEAM

Of course we have no idea of where many of the people who are signed up are coming from or what team they are on since they've not yet added that detail to their RSVP!?!
If we do have a large amount of people coming from one area and it becomes lopsided we can always tweak this a bit. So PLEASE when you do sign up for this event, put in the RSVP which team you fall into. And if you already did RSVP, PLEASE add which team you are on so it will be easier to get an idea of how the team counts are going. REMEMBER..............


Once you know which team you're on, here are the colors to wear for your team.
Red- East Team
Blue- South Team
Green- North-West Team

Here's a list of Olympic events so far:

1. Tug O'War -10 players from each team
2. Potato Sack Races
3. Simon Sez - Everyone can participate, Thanks Paul
4. Men's Hula Hoop Contest - get your cameras ready for this one
5. Women's Hula Hoop Contest
6. Co-Ed Obstacle Course - 3 men and 3 women tag teams. Best time wins! Need a stop watch.
7. Water Balloon Toss each team is represented by 14 people
8. Co-Ed Egg on a Spoon Race (6 people per team - 3 men, 3 women)
9. Pie eating contest - 1 member from each team
10. Dunking for apples - 1 member from each team
11.Name that tune- Thanks Vikki
12. Trivia contest - Everyone can participate
13.Volleyball - 6 players from each team, Thanks Robert
14. Limbo contest- Everyone can participate

The Opening Ceremonies:

Norm has graciously agreed to carry the OLYMPIC TORCH again. He will be followed by each one of the teams. When a team comes on to the field, they can pick a "TEAM SONG"! If you have any suggestions for that song, just e mail your team Captain.

Registration starts at 11:00
Opening Ceremonies start at 11:45
And the games begin at 12:00
We have the pavilion so this event will take place Rain or shine. You must be registered to play in the games, so PLEASE get here on time!

You bring:
Your own food to grill or food that has already been cooked. Blankets if you want, coolers & beverages.
There are plenty of picnic tables with the bench seat, but your own chair will be a lot more comfortable.

We bring:
Paper plates, napkins, cups, utensils, charcoal and everything needed for cooking.

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