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"What's the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Done or Said?" by Mark Dixon tonight, Sat, April 28, 7pm at Perkins.

From: cole m.
Sent on: Saturday, April 28, 2012, 7:04 AM

Midwest Skeptics Society:

"What's the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Done or Said?" by Mark Dixon this coming Sat, April 28, 7pm at Perkins.  

This sounds like a lot of fun!  I'll have to bring a 6 inch thick scroll to list my dumb stuff.  JOIN US!

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Flubs, Foul-ups, Fumbles and Failures . . . What's the dumbest thing you've ever done or said?
Join us for a fun evening as we take turns describing our most memorable blunders, pratfalls, and colossal errors in judgment.  To keep the ball rolling, we'll also watch some video clips and hear stories of embarrassing flame-outs, fizzles, and flops.  Satisfy your Schadenfreude and/or your need to share!
Mark Dixon
Cole Morgan [address removed]  [masked]

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