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New Meetup: Trivia Night@ Westport Flea Market

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 1:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Kansas City Boardgames!

What: Trivia Night@ Westport Flea Market

When: September 2,[masked]:30 PM

Westport Flea Market Bar and Grill
817 Westport Rd
Kansas City, MO 64111

Trivia Night!

Join us for some fun, and cash prizes, at Kansas City's more popluar trivia hot spot!

This cozy venue has regular trivia nights on Weds and Thurs in the Westport area. They offer great drink specials and you can have some of the best burgers in KC while you squeeze out that obscure information on Weds. They have a wide variety of questions to test everyones worthless knowledge retention, and, the prize for trivia glory is CASH!

Our meetup group took 1st and 4th last time we played; join the winning team and RSVP now! Get there early to guarantee a seat in the main dining area with the best view.

Check out this excerpt from the Pitch review:
"Eight teams showed up, and fortunately, no one seemed to be a trivia asshole ? the obnoxious type who (a) immediately and loudly makes those "I know it!" noises halfway through the question and (b) gets so into it that he visibly sulks when his team loses. No, we got the trivia crowd that we love: a laid-back group that's filled with smart-asses who make funny, sarcastic comments in response to the questions. That's why we liked the big group at the table next to us, they're the ones who drew a hand flipping the bird on their wipe board in answer to one particularly obscure question.
Fortunately, the subjects became more manageable as the night went on. The hosts played clips of stuff we had to identify: movie quotes, TV theme songs and the original artists and titles of Pearl Jam covers. "Songs Played Backwards" prompted one competitor to complain, "That's not trivia at all. That's a special auditory skill." Surprisingly, Kanye West's "Golddiggers" and Boston's "More Than a Feeling" were pretty easy to pick out.
As the night wore on, we covered topics that included state nicknames, the NFL draft, The Simpsons and how famous people died. Our group's areas of expertise were pretty diverse."

$5 entry fee per person. 8 people to a team, but they dont check;)
1st place winners get 75 percent of the entry-fee pot; second place gets the rest. Registration is one hour before the trivia begins; Official triva start time is 8pm.

*This venue is cash only, with an ATM onsite*

Check it out here:

This will be a great time! I hope to see all of there!

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