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Video Game Night, hosting

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 1:51 PM
Hey everyone!
Is anyone interested in hosting a video game night?

Wii, PS3, PS2, old school Super NES, Atari, or whatever, let me know and I will set it up.

Im open to a Wii sports night, multi player Madden tourney(any football game), Little Big Planet romp, or anything that multiple players can play or compete against one another. I would prefer to have multiple systems going at once so more people can play, but thats not mandatory.

Let me know when and where you can host, and we can make the arrangements. This can be any weekday evening except Thursday, and weekends are fine too. I would like to start this in September and make it a regular thing with revolving hosts if possible.
Thanks, Brent

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