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Submission request by City of Soldotna

From: John D.
Sent on: Friday, February 28, 2014, 2:28 PM

Message received from Heather @ city office -

The City of Soldotna is in the process of redesigning our website and we are looking for local photographers who may be willing to let us use their photos for the project. We can discuss terms of use and compensation for photos chosen for the website. Photo credits will also be given on the site.


We’re working with Vision Internet for the new site.  They have a gallery showing some of their work here: It may be helpful in getting some ideas of how governments use imagery in their sites.  Of course, we’re hoping that ours will blow these all away!


As far as types of photos, the City is really starting from scratch.  We do not have any high-quality images to pull from.  So we’d be looking for a range of images that are not necessarily from inside Soldotna but characteristic of our area.  These might include:

- Wildlife and nature photos, both entire landscape photos, and some that are close-ups;

- People doing things (hiking, pushing kids on a swing, walking/biking/running, hanging out at the Kenai River Festival or beer festival, etc.).

- River/fishing/boating/kayaking/etc.


Please let me know if you are interested in discussing this further. Please email me at [address removed] or call[masked].


Thank you!
