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ANZAC Day picnic

From: Susanne
Sent on: Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 9:48 AM

Hi all,

I am currently looking at places to schedule our annual ANZAC Day picnic on Saturday April 27th, preferably a park or public community center which has a covered shelter big enough for a large group and plenty of outdoor space for a cricket match etc, and must allow beer and wine consumption on site. One of the options is Mary S. Young Park in West Linn. It has a better rental rate for residents, so I wondered if anyone in our group happened to be a resident and could help us out with booking it. It is also dog friendly for those of you who want to include your furry family members.

For the past few years we have lucked out on the weather for our ANZAC day picnic, and I'm hoping that will stick with us, but we will definitely need shelter, just in case.

If anyone lives in West Linn and can help out with this or has another suggestion, I would appreciate your help.

Willamette Park is another option, but I welcome other ideas.

