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CORRECT DATE AND TIME: Dinner at BCD Tofu House on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 5:30PM

From: Louis
Sent on: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 4:41 AM

CORRECT DATE AND TIME: Dinner at BCD Tofu House on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 5:30PM



RSVP: See the full listing and RSVP at:








Meet for dinner at 5:30 PM at:

BCD Korean BBQ and Tofu House

3575 Wilshire Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA



Join us for an amazing Korean dinner at BCD Tofu House!



I have been going to BCD for several years and moons, long, long ago. They have the best galbi that I have ever tasted (marinated Ribs.) They also have excellent fresh Kimchi with oysters (spicy and crunchy,) and they provide a fried fish for all meals and a few other types of banchan (side dishes.)



BCD has several new selections on their menu including Jap Chae (Korean Glass Noodles.) In addition they have combinations that provide soon tofu of many varieties (mild, medium or spicy.) They also have bim bim bap for those who don't want tofu. Bim bim bap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul (sautéed and seasoned vegetables) and gochujang (chili pepper paste) Tofu salad is available for vegetarians.

Each meal is prepared individually in the kitchen. Prices are under $20 including tax and tip - and service is excellent.
















The waitresses and servers are friendly.  Please bring cash for easy payment of the check.











BCD is a chain which provides non-msg and organic tofu.

Here is the Soon Tofu.




Come and try the stone pot rice with peas.