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Qcera, Inc. - Web Application Developer - FTE - West Los Angeles

From: Peter
Sent on: Friday, March 6, 2015, 3:55 PM



We have a few positions open, both at the mid to senior level.  If you or if you know of anyone else that might be interested, please forward along.



Company Overview

Our company is in the business of providing a proprietary Internet application (SaaS) that is used by our corporate clients to help manage a federally mandated requirement of employee benefits. We are a small firm that has been in business successfully for over 15 years. We are currently searching for an energetic, motivated individual with strong programming and people skills to join our office in West Los Angeles as a Web Application Developer who will be responsible for the ongoing development of our applications.  We are a small but dynamic company with strong growth opportunities.


Position Overview

We are looking for a motivated developer to join our team developing and enhancing our web-based proprietary leave of absence system. As a team member, you will be working on state-of-the-art on-demand web applications using VB.NET, ASP.NET and MS SQL Server. The candidate must have strong technical skills combined with good interpersonal skills to assist in mission critical development. Responsible for all aspects of application development as well as keeping the application services running 24 X 7 with others in the IT team.


Job Qualifications

·         Must have Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

·         At least 2 years of experience developing web applications using Microsoft technologies (ASP.NET, VB.NET, SQL Server) in a team environment.

·         Must have experience using source code management, working with other programmer, strong programming and technical skills

·         Experience with the challenges of development and deployment for a highly available Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product environment.

·         Experience in maintaining all aspect of an online application environment that is available 24x7.

·         Communicate with clients in support of implementation projects.

·         Highly motivated, mature, reliable, and quick to learn.

·         Must be able to work in the U.S. (no sponsorship).

·         This is a full-time, onsite position. Please do not respond for offsite or contract work.



West Los Angeles, very close to the 405 and 10 freeway interchange



Peter Pak

Qcera, Inc. | O:[masked] ext. 13 | F:[masked] | [address removed] |


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