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Street Photography Group

From: Ricky
Sent on: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 10:24 AM
Hi to all!

My name is Ricky.
I, apparently, have just taken over the group Street Photography in LA =)
Let me quickly put some things to rest.
I haven't changed anything... yet. Besides clicking on the button to "save" the group, I haven't implemented any changes. I will be, just haven't had the opportunity to do so yet.
To that end, the $5 fee was here when I got here; I noticed it when I joined the group last week, but figured it was something that if you attend an event that it would be collected then. Here's my take on it:
I think the group, to be a part of, should be free. So, when I have a second to go through and edit the settings, I'll change that.
I will ultimately, and likely, end up running it more like my other meetup group, Beginning Photographer Workshop. What I do there is offer social events, free events, low cost events, and regular priced activities. This group doesn't lend itself to a lot of costs (currently I don't see any beyond the meetup fees), so we'll all have to figure out a way to defray that cost. Again, something to be worked out. As I am currently at work, it will not likely happen before 6 or 7 today.
I do have great expectations for the group though and will certainly be out and about at more than a farmers market. To that end... if you have any ideas, please feel free to utilize the ideas tab on the group. For a better feel for how I run my group, visit As that is geared more towards beginners and more of a workshop atmosphere, know that it won't be exactly the same.
I'll eventually be looking for more assistant organizer types. So, once we get to meeting and doing things, if you're interested, let me know.
Alright... any other questions, comments, queries, things I can clarify?
