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Next week! Digital Cabaret Sept 9

From: Will C.
Sent on: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 10:49 AM
[Hey y'all, just wanted to remind you of this event I'm co-producing and ask for your help us getting out the word. Could you share this with your friends interested in video? Hope y'all can come to the event next Tuesday September 9! Thanks! -Will Coley]

Please come be part of the DIGITAL CABARET, a new mixed-media event that combines participant-generated digital video and live musical performances.

Theme: Superstition

TUESDAY, September 9

M.C: Brian Finkelstein    Performer: Michael Mangia

*8pm sign-up*

$7 at the door

@ Tangier Lounge, 2138 Hillhurst Avenue at Los Feliz Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA,  Phone: (323)[masked]

How it Works: Prepare a video (not exceeding four minutes) on the theme SUPERSTITION. 8:00 PM *sign up to show your video, volunteer to be on a judging team or just sit back and watch. 8:30 (SHARP), we'll pick the first name and the show will begin. After each screening, the judges confer, and give a score. The video with the highest score becomes our Cabaret winner and will be announced by the evening's performer.

Video tips: Any genre is ok but it should be compelling. The digital cabaret welcomes experimental video art, music videos, and conventional narratives.

About the M.C.: Brian Finkelstein is a comedic writer / performer. His last one-person show, First Day Off In A Long Time, was selected for the HBO/US Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen and chosen "Best In Comedy 2005��� by Time Out New York. The show was later developed as a sitcom for FOX. Most recently he has been a writer for The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

About this month's performer: Michael Mangia doesn't mind digging around in the Hollywood dirt to celebrate the beauty that lurks in the dark, clandestine corners, underneath bed-sheets and facelifts. Think of him as the David Lynch of the LA music scene, trafficking in catchy melodies and billowing piano parts to tell stories of the sordid and the beautiful. As a live performer, Michael engages whether singing a slow-burning ballad or an arsenic-laced break-up song, and his charming stage show always incorporates a dash of the experimental. You never know when Michael's expressive baritone and lush piano-playing will be accompanied by vintage slides, a pink megaphone, a tap dancer or a small orchestra.

The next Digital Cabaret at Tangier: Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Theme: TBA
Performer: Kid Gloves


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