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Last nights Johnson event

From: bruce
Sent on: Friday, October 12, 2012, 11:56 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruce Majors
Date: Friday, October 12, 2012
Subject: Last nights Johnson event
To: "[address removed]" <[address removed]>


A point I didn't really belabor last night, in the crowded, happy, noisy event, is that ballot access law and regulation is deliberately constructed by the major parties in the US, in almost every state, not just our one party state of DC, to make any independent party or candidate consume half their budget and two months of volunteer time, collecting signatures to get on the ballot, leaving little for actual campaigning.  These laws were made more Draconian during the last Great Depression, when too many Socialist party candidates started getting elected as mayors, city councilmen, or state legislators

So my run is to get ballot status, so that future Libertarians can raise issues by running for school board, or mayor, or city council, without first spending almost all their funds and time just to get on the ballot.

I am a little surprised you left out two salient points I didn't point out:  unlike last time, when there were 5 candidates in this race including a GOP one, this time there are only me, Eleanor, and the Green; and second, I have a bigger budget for street signs and print advertising etc than past challengers.