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"Time to Shake Off the Frost & Meetup Again"

From: Santiago R.
Sent on: Thursday, March 6, 2014, 7:36 PM

Hello everyone,

As the Subject Line reads its "Time to Shake Off the Frost & Meetup Again"

2014 has started off with one of the most snow filled winters since the winter of 93-94.

The cold weather has impacted the US Economy & the headline is:

Severe weather across much of the United States took a toll on shopping and consumer spending in recent weeks, leading to slower economic growth or outright contraction in some areas of the country, the Federal Reserve said on Wednesday.

More details here:

As an investment property owner (Buy & Hold) I myself was impacted with leaky windows, ice dams, eventually leaky roof tops, which in turn increased property management cost & a added a work load that had me thinking "Why oh why did I think investing in older housing stock was such a great idea?" well I will tell you.  Come to our next meeting and lets share our stories about investing, flipping, wholesaling and buy & hold.

As usual there will be Spanish Coffee, tea, bottled water & some other snacks.  Feel free to bring something along "Pot-Luck" style and lets share an afternoon of interesting opportunity story telling.  What is your best story of the 1st Quarter of 2014?

I also almost forgot to mention that we are meeting at the Old Firehouse on Lynn Avenue, this was an investment I picked up over 9 years ago. We moved the SoBeCoWorks shared office operation into this great facility and have ventured into some new investment territory.

Our new address is:

1349 Lynn Avenue, Bethlehem, PA is our website for more information on how to find our new building.

I hope to see you all soon,
