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New Meetup: May Game Fiesta - El Paso

From: Starla
Sent on: Monday, May 24, 2010, 6:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Las Cruces Board Gamers!

What: May Game Fiesta - El Paso

When: Saturday, May 29,[masked]:00 PM

Manny's House
3101 Mesa Verde Ln
El Paso, TX 79904

We will have something for everyone. We encourage all of our members to come out so we can all meet and game. If you have not yet come out to any of our meet ups, this is the one. We will have plenty of fun, exciting games and friendly, patient, willing teachers.

Do you like Euro/Designer games? We will have plenty and all the top titles. Want to discover all sorts of Party Games to play with your friends and family? We will have several types come join in, fun, fun, fun. Classic games lover like Scrabble, Chess, Backgammon and others? We have you covered. Abstract Strategy games? we have plenty. Train Games? Yup!

OPEN GAMING - Have a favorite? Want to Learn? Discover a new Hobby? Experienced gamer? We're ready for you. New gamer? We will patiently teach you to ensure you start down the right path of this hobby. Have a favorite? Want to discover new favorites? come on out.

HG Tournament - Any games played from the Heavy Games Championship Tournament list of ten games, and played with at least 3 players will count towards your best score and are considered sanctioned events. Need to hone your skills at Race for the Galaxy? Never played Stone Age? Come on out, learn a a game or get some extra practice time in.

We will start at 1:00 PM and play as long as there are willing gamers. Arrive as you can, games starting regularly.

Light Snacks and Soft Drinks
I will have Gamer Fuel (Pizza & maybe something else) later in the day.

Hope to see you there!

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