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New Meetup: El Paso - December Game Fiesta & Heavy Gaming Finals and Awards

From: J M D.
Sent on: Sunday, November 28, 2010, 4:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Las Cruces Board Gamers!

What: El Paso - December Game Fiesta & Heavy Gaming Finals and Awards

When: Saturday, December 18,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Manny's House
3101 Mesa Verde Ln
El Paso, TX 79904

This is it, The Heavy Games Finals and presentation of awards. Gamers who finish all ten games will win prizes, and of course the presentation of the Heavy Games Trophy and Twilight Struggle.

Game Fiesta will be be going on, many many games available, lets have a great time. All members attending will receive an entry to game prize drawings. Early Christmas Woo Hoo! MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! We will draw at about 8:00 PM.

We will start at 1:00 PM and play as long as there are willing gamers. Arrive as you can, games starting regularly.

Light Snacks and Soft Drinks.

Hope to see you there!

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