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50% Off for Customer Research Help

From: Pete O.
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2016, 11:53 AM
Hello Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs!

I'm launching a new level of business support and training called: New Start/Up Academy. At New Start/Up Academy the philosophy is that “Anyone can start a business!” (to paraphrase Disney's Ratatouille)

And we also believe in "eating our own dog food".  We'll be offering a 25%-off coupon to Lean Startup Academy members, and we want to offer an additional 25% off, for a total of 50% off, for helping us with our customer research.

Time commitment is about 15 minutes, so we can show you some content and get your feedback on it.

Reply to this email to schedule a time for a call or a Google Hangout, and we'll send you a personal coupon code.

Thank you!
Pete Oliver-Krueger
New Start/Up Academy
[address removed] 

“Great ideas can come from anywhere.”