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Re: New Poll

From: Glen
Sent on: Sunday, October 7, 2012, 10:50 AM
What's the point of this poll?

If you want it to produce actual information, the list of options is
oddly incomplete, and worse, it has no catch-all for people to *tell*
you it's incomplete. At a bare minimum, you need to add
"Anarchocapitalist".­ And "Other/Not Listed", preferably with a
write-in option. Heck, throw in AnarchoSocialist and Green while
you're at it.

What's the intent of dividing Apolitical into "never voted" and
"voted"? If one voted a long time ago but doesn't *currently* vote
because you've become apolitical, I guess "voted" would be the
intended answer, but it feels wrong. Another way to slice the
data might be "Apolitical (don't vote)" versus "Apolitical (do vote)",
but that last category seems problematic. So why not just
"Apolitical"? If you *also* want to know whether somebody votes or not
(or has ever/hasn't ever voted), that's a separate poll question.

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