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Please join MECA Socal Website

From: Sahdi M.
Sent on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 6:47 PM

Salam All,

For the members who reside in southern california, I would like to request that you join MECA Socal website. MECA short of Muslim Establishing Communities in America aims to build and strengthen the Muslim Community across Southern California.


The advantage of joining MECA Socal webiste is that you are able to connect to wide network of muslim community in Southern California and can participate in events for specific MECA groups of your interest such as Hiking, Biking.. Please see the complete list below. Quranic Reflection meetup is also MECA Quran Study group.


Please join using the link below and select the group you are intersted in.



Meca Potluck (Our Main Monthly Gathering) Meca Hiking Group Meca Biking Group Meca Sports Club Meca Arts and Culture Club The Christian Muslim Consultative Group The Jewish Muslim Meet Up Group Meca Food Pantry Meca Muslim Prisoners Consultative Group Coffee and Converts Meca Eagles (Lecture Series) Meca Quran Study Group Meca Bookclub Academy of Islamic Thought Meca Youth Mentoring Program ICSC Young Professionals

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