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What we’re about

If acting, yoga, running or dance is your thing… this is your group... combining 'active' within a social setting... 
You should join if you're interested in any of these 4 activities: Acting, Running, Argentinian Tango and Yoga... You don't have to be an expert in any of these activities, just a willingness to contribute, learn and share... 
People should join to learn new skills... running sounds simple, but there is so much to learn about running technique, methods to run faster, nutrition, training plans, or just a simple fun-run... Argentinian tango is a complex dance, and within this group, tango dancers of all levels can find each other, enjoy practice and find settings in which to learn... There are so many different types of yoga, which is a lovely activity which calms the mind, and adds balance, strength and flexibility to the body... 
Those who have knowledge of any of these activities should join and contribute to the development of other members who know less... and the concept of this group is to do these activities with a focus on enjoyment... bringing a social aspect... 
From this group, you can expect regular activities, group runs along the river, on the track... yoga lessons with a focus on strength, balance and flexibility... tango practice with an aim of social integration into a activity which usually needs a lot of skill, balance and learning... 
It's always good to meet people with similar hobbies... 

Upcoming events (4+)

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