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New Meetup: Festas do Barrete Verde e das Salinas 2010

From: Jane
Sent on: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 12:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Lisbon British Expats Meetup Group!

What: Festas do Barrete Verde e das Salinas 2010

When: Saturday, August 7,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Alcach Bar
Largo Bar?o Samora Correia ("Rossio" - Zona Ribeirinha)

Hi, in August my town has a fantastic festival so I thought it would be nice to get out of Lisbon for a change. Buses run from Expo/Oriente every hour on a Saturday on the quarter past. You will need bus number 431 which goes from Bus Stop 24 C. We will meet in the Alcach Bar (The Orange Bar) which is situated in Jardim de Rossio in Alcochete. Maybe anyone who is going to drive over could offer lifts to others.

Directions, if you are catching the bus then once you pass Freeport (Large Shopping Outlet) on your right you will come into Alcochete, because of the festival the bus will take a different route as it cannot come through town. Look out for a Red Santander Bank on your left hand side and then when you see a Galp Garage and a Water Tower with Alcochete written on it ring the bell, get off the bus before you reach these landmarks and walk back down the road to the river. This will bring you out right by the Jardim de Rossio and the Alcach Bar will be just in front of you. I shall post a map too, and if you don't have my mobile number then let me know and I will send it to you just in case anyone gets lost. Buses run back to Oriente every hour until 12.45am.

If you are driving, then come over the Vasco de Gama bridge and follow the signs to Alcochete, again pass by Freeport on you right, keep following the signs to Alcochete. I'm hoping that you will be able to drive around the town, if you just keep following the road this will take you along the river and around the outside of the town centre. Eventually you will see gardens on your left and the river on your right. The Alcach is in the middle of the gardens and there is plenty of parking along there too.

The festivities don't start until the evening, but I thought we could all chill out beforehand. There are plenty of restaurants in town should anyone fancy having dinner later on too.

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