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Our First Meetup was Fun! Here's what Happened....

From: Katie B.
Sent on: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 10:49 AM
About nine of us braved Chicago's first snowfall (thank you, intrepid adventurers!) to settle into a cozy corner of Paris in Chicago. (Try Jean-Claude's heavenly quiche!) I really enjoyed meeting everyone and learning what bight, fascinating, well-traveled people you all are! We talked about the adventures we've had so far, and then proposed some fantastic ideas for adventures starting here in the Chicago area and eventually spreading across the nation and overseas to the countries we've always dreamed of visiting. I'll be posting those ideas here, but we also want to hear from you....
This group is for all of us to mix and mingle and participate in activities that best suit our lifestyles, budgets, schedules and comfort levels. Our goal is to have several fun outings (from mild to wild) to choose from each month, starting the first of January. So whatever adventures you have in mind -- anything from having dinner together at an authentic Indian restaurant to an afternoon of sledding and snowboarding in Wisconsin to a sightseeing weekend in San Francisco to an exploration of volcanoes in Costa Rica, please post your ideas on or email them to me at [address removed] and I'll post them for you. is a great tool to help us interact with each other and plan things to do together, so use it to ask questions, hold discussions, present ideas and share opinions. Check back often to see what's new -- and we'll share an adventure soon!

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