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Nazim Hikmet Poetry Competition 1/4/2016

From: Pamela
Sent on: Wednesday, December 9, 2015, 11:34 AM

Submissions are now open for the 8th Annual Nazim Hikmet Poetry Competition.Poets are invited to submit their three unpublished poems online. Winners will receive an award of $100 and will be invited to read their poems at the 8th Annual Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival, which will be held on Sunday, April 10, 2016 at Page-Walker Arts & History Center in Cary, North Carolina. Winners and honorable mentions will be included in the annual anthology as well as published online at the Festival website. Last year’s poetry competition received over 1000 poems from 337 poets. The submissions came from 39 states and 20 countries. Winners include poets Andrea Young, Edison Jennings, Leila Chatti, and more. Find a complete list of winners and their winning poems here
Deadline to submit is January 4, 2016. Submission fee is $10 for three poems.

Please visit this link for submission guidelines. Good luck!

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