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Re: [poetry-566] Hello from Living Poetry - announcements & idea contest!!!

From: Roshan
Sent on: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 11:09 PM
I've thought through some possible ideas for poetry events, as I know that many possibilities have been exhausted through this process. One idea I've always had would be to involve kids through creating poetry and art together. Kids could be matched up with adults in the group, and each group can work together to create a visual and auditory piece that can be shared with the group.? I think this cohesion will bring about a deeper knowledge of what poetry means from childhood to adulthood...What do you think?:)

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Angelika <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello Everyone!
I hope you are well and staying warm in this still very chilly weather! Yet it is perfect to pull out this old quilt from your grandmother, steep a cup of your favorite tea and make yourself comfortable on the couch with your most cherished collection of poetry.
Living Poetry Idea contest!
I?need your help! Tell?me what we can do beyond our reading evenings and workshops to engage more people in enjoying poetry.
I know Meetup wants us to meet face to face... but let's not be cornered by that requirement: send me any idea you might have be it virtual, 1on1, face to face, groups, contests, projects... something you've done?in a previous poetry group, in college... you've never done but always wanted?to do. Anything goes... I want to hear about it (reply to this email - multiple times if the ideas keep coming!). Please be specific.
I?will then review the ideas for feasibility and implement them in the coming months! Contest deadline is Sunday, April 4th!
And we are an appreciative bunch...
Best idea for implementation:
1st prize: $100??? Barnes & Noble gift certificate (or Borders if desired)
2nd prize: $75??? Barnes & Noble gift certificate (or Borders if desired)
3rd prize: $50??? Barnes & Noble gift certificate (or Borders if desired)
Wildest idea: $25??? Barnes & Noble gift certificate (or Borders if desired)
Most creative community idea (= reaching beyond this meetup group): $25??? Barnes & Noble gift certificate (or Borders if desired)
Living Poetry will be on RADIO, Tuesday Feb 23rd from 10 - 11 AM. Tune in online: click 'On The Air'?on the right. We are the guests of Claudio's SpeakEasy!
David Manning will join us as our first Poet Local on March 21st at 3:30 PM here in Brier Creek. He is somewhat of a celebrity in the Triangle poetry community. And we are looking forward to having the chance to talk to him. Save the date!
The 2nd Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival?is scheduled for?Apr 18th in Cary: This festival?is organized by a poetry group in Cary. And we are very much looking forward to participating and visiting the event:?
Their poetry contest deadline is Feb 19th! So hurry in your wonderful poems!
April is National Poetry Month and?? w e?? ?a r e??? p s y c h e d!
Aside from our usual monthly meetups, we have planned some special April events, such as another game of Jeopardy during our Wed Poetry Evening, Poetry in the Park (Umstead), Poet's Walk in Hillsborough ( more. Watch our meetup for details.
I hope you are as excited as I am about the upcoming opportunities to enjoy and celebrate poetry being alive!
I?want to hear from you... so?send me?your thoughts and ideas for the contest! Hurray!

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To learn more about Angelika, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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