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Fwd: Watford Scottish Ceilidh 27th Sept 2014

From: Jeremy
Sent on: Friday, September 5, 2014, 1:59 PM
Ceilidh fans out there might be interested in this event:

Over the past year Watford Scottish Society has been running Scottish ceilidh dance evenings. These feature live music and simple dances which everyone can do.

We are doing our best to publicise our latest event. We'd be delighted if you could join us and encourage others to come with you.

Watford Scottish is running a "Farewell to Scotland" ceilidh on Saturday 27th September. 

It's at Watford Girls Grammar School which is a 10 minute walk from Watford Junction main line station and just off the Watford Ring Road. There is a good amount of parking on site.

The band is absolutely super - Quicksilver provide fantastically lively music - and Malcolm Ferris-Lay is an amusing and good-humoured caller. There's also a bar to loosen the limbs.

All the details are on the flyers attached [there is a version which is suitable for forwarding on by email and one if more suitable for printing out].  See also You can have any number in your party as there is no fixed seating.

We do hope you will be able to come and if you need any further details please do contact us.

all the best and happy dancing

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