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What we’re about

Looking for a new home? We host events once a week and are looking for a room to help host our events. Ideally a room that holds 12 people with a screen and whiteboard. Our meetup attracts smart engineers from Bloomberg, Google, Amazon etc. Please get in touch if you are interested to host us by messaging me, Mohmed Muneer or my counterpart Mohamed Habib

Do you want to Ace any algorithms interview at any tech company?

This meetup welcomes programmers of all levels who are particularly interested in programming challenges, algorithms and data structures. This group is for you if you:

• Seek pleasure in elegant algorithms and techniques (Dynamic programming, Recursion, Greedy approaches, combinatorics)

• Enjoy the intersection of mathematics and coding (geometry, number theory, set theory, modular arithmetics)

• Enjoy participating in contests from Codeforces, Codewars, Google Codejam, Hashcode, etc.

• Want to learn more about advanced data structures and when they can be used (Priority Queues, Graphs, Segment Trees, Union-Find)