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Would you be interesting in speaking at the Drupal Show and Tell on Thursday 21st

From: Ben W.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 10:52 AM

Hi all,

we're in need of at least a couple of speakers to step up this month and volunteer there time to speak. Would you be happy to? If so please let me know and we'll get it all sorted.

The next one is on Thursday next week (21st May) and we'd be looking for interesting tech / design / PM / BA / etc topics, somehow related to Drupal - loosely is fine :)

All the best and thanks for considering speaking,


P.S. for more details for anyone that's not been before:

P.P.S. the Drupal Show and Tell has been the platform for many a first time speaker and they always say it was a great experience once they take part.


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