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Andy added a post

From: Andy P.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 11:54 PM
World City Music Village@Hyde Park- Saturday 10th July

A fabulous free event from 1-9 pm.

OZI OZAA - Pulsating Ghanaian Afro-beat
SEEDS OF CREATION - Berber jazz meets Saharan blues
SHE?KOYOKH - Exhilarating Judeo-Balkan dance music
FUERZA VALLENATA - Lively Colombian folk accordions
MAVRIKA - 1920?s Greek Underground with a London vibe
ANATOLIA - Uniting Kurdish, Anatolian & Turkish musics
ZONG ZING - Infectious hi-energy Congolese dance music
BOUJEMAA BOUBOUL & GNAWA UK - Rootsy Moroccan trance rituals

See link below for further details:

I'm probably gonna go down later in the afternoon/evening.

Mail or text me on[masked] if you fancy coming along and meeting up.

I might go down for some of the Sunday as well but havn't decided yet.


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