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Reminder about ICT4D meet-ups

From: Tony R.
Sent on: Monday, April 29, 2013, 10:17 PM

Hi Everyone!

This Tuesday (30th April) is another chance to meet-up for informal drinks 
and ICT4D networking at the Museum of London bar. Our events are always open 
to new people. There's no formal membership. Just show up. You'll be welcome!

To find us on Tuesday follow the signs from the tube stations to the Museum of London.
We are the largest group in the bar and look a bit geeky!

Also: we have just announced that the Thursday 30th May meet-up at Google Campus
will feature the use of participatory video for development. Eliza Anyangwe from
the Guardian will co-host the event and event speakers will be announced later this week. 
Definitely another date for your diary!

See you there.

Tony Roberts 

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