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Meetup Reminder 9th July

From: Randeep S.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 2:55 PM
Hi Everyone

We are looking forward to see you all today evening.I want to announce few other services that our group is going to offer in today meetup.Looking forward to see you all.

Meetup will start at 6:15 PM so please make sure that we all reach on time to make use of valuable information shared in today's session.

University of East Anglia, London
UEA London 102 Middlesex Street London E1 7EZ,  ( Its very close to Liverpool Street Station)

6:00 PM - Arrival and Registration 
6:15 PM- Talk Starts 
7:15 - PM Talk ends with some question answers for 15 mins.
7:30 PM onwards - Pizza & Drinks served and Networking with other Contractors.

Many Thanks
Randeep Singh

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