What we’re about
Have you ever thought about a friend and at that moment they call or walked into a room and felt uneasy or at peace? Then you are a sensitive, empathic person, using your intuitive abilities to pick up or tune into people and places.
My psychic school classes, based in London, and sometimes in retreats around the world, will allow you to fully explore your natural abilities to enhance your intuition, psychic and spiritual awareness.
Week to week, we cover clairvoyance (vision), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), psychometry, meditation, auras, meeting your guides, crystals, past life regression, mediumship, grounding and protection and anything else you wish to know connected with your spiritual journey....
All levels are welcome from beginners to advanced, all the classes are undertaken in a positive, fun and encouraging atmosphere where students develop at their own pace, it's an enjoyable way to learn about yourself and others. It’s more a warm and intimate group setting, rather than a school setting.
I've been running this class since 2012. Regulars don't always sign up through the site, so the numbers may not represent the attendance for the evening.
You will be in experienced hands so come along to a relaxing, healing, psychic evening.
I look forward to meeting you all.
Bright blessings,
Spiritual Medium, Past Life Therapist, Crystal Healer, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Facilitator of Retreats