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What we’re about

This meet-up group is for anyone who has an interest, works in or wants to learn more about systematic, algorithmic (i.e. automated) or quantitative trading applied to any type of financial instrument including Forex, Indices, Equities, Commodities or indeed anything else that can be traded.

This community is open to researchers, recruiters, backtesters, quantitative developers and traders. By establishing this group we hope to:

1. Build a community within which to discuss and exchange of ideas, know-how and best practices relating to all aspects of algorithmic trading

2. Enable the building of networks between traders, software developers and researchers

3. Facilitate the sharing of knowledge, between community members via talks, presentations, debates and discussion of research topics. We are not platform or broker specific and we warmly welcome all members of the research, development and trading community to participate in our events.

We plan to develop an online community (including online discussions within the meet-up group) and to then subsequently organise social events, seminars and possible workshops depending on the level of interest.