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From: Ewa H.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 10:06 AM
Dear members,

Very Happy New Year !

First of all I would like to welcome all new members who joined us over the holiday period. There are many new professional dancers and dance enthusiasts amongst us. I am also delighted to see Maani here, a celebrated dance photographer. If you have ever dreamed of having a fabulous dance photo album, either for publicity or just for fun to publish on Facebook then contact Maani directly via our Website.

We have an exciting programme proposed for you in 2010. There are several well known teachers and musicians who would like to work with us, and we are also in the process of organising a great party for all the members and their friends to meet together. I very much welcome any of your suggestions as well, just send me an email.

Please check our calendar regularly. You will find there events around London recommended by us. I have already posted some exciting upcoming workshops and shows for you to consider.

To kick off the new year I will be holding a workshop on the 31st of January, at The Place, central London's top dance studios. It will be a fun workshop with introductory technique and lots of great world music. So all of you who are either new to belly dance or a bit rusty after a break should keep your diary open for that morning. We will have tea or coffee after the workshop to get properly introduced! You will receive an official Meetup invitation later today.

My new class at Fitzrovia starting next week.
I will be starting new classes on Tuesday 19th of January, for intermediate to performer level, at a new 5 star exclusive dance studio in Fitzrovia, central London. Its a fabulous studio with mirrors and wooden sprung floor, situated in a majestic Goergian townhouse in one of London's most beautiful garden squares. The classes are small and only very few places are remaining. If you would like to find out more then please drop me a line. You can also read more about it on Facebook

Please remember, you can always write to me with any proposals, suggestions or just to keep in touch!

My warmest wishes,


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