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Documentaries at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival

From: Helen M.
Sent on: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 5:45 PM
Documentaries at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival

Hello there,

I hope you don't mind me contacting you about this -- I just wanted to let you know about the upcoming Human Rights Watch International Film Festival (18 - 27 March) which I thought might be of interest to you and your members.

The festival kicks of with an Opening Night screening of Costa Gavras' latest film 'Eden is West' plus a Q&A with the renowned director followed by a reception. The festival then continues across London (ICA, Clapham Picturehouse, Curzon Renoir, Ritzy) with 18 films dealing with social and political issues from around the world. There are 12 documentaries screening, the majority of which are followed by a Q&A with filmmakers.

I know that you generally screen film yourselves but considering the topics you are interested in, I thought the festival could be a fertile ground for programming inspiration! If you are interested, you can view the full festival programme at

We have group ticket offers available. Please feel free to email me about these or with any other questions you may have and I would be happy to help.

If you are not interested in the Festival, then please accept my apologies for bothering you!

Best wishes,


Catherine Hall

Outreach Assistant
Human Rights Watch International Film Festival
2nd Floor
2-12 Pentonville Road
London N1 9HF

M: +44 [masked]
E: [address removed]