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RE: Sundays Event - Building A Better Community

From: Malik
Sent on: Thursday, March 23, 2017, 3:04 PM

Salaam everybody,

Just wanted to send everyone a quick message to invite you all to attend the presentation event this Sunday the 26th at 4pm.

Have around 25 people already attending but would love if we can get more to come along.

The presentation is going to cover a few areas and last about 45 minutes. The presentation will explain a little about Muslims Making A Difference and what we are about, followed by a look at some of the issues that affect us all as a community such as War, Poverty, Homelessness, Loneliness, Islamophobia and Disunity. It will then end with a look at our response as Muslim’s and individuals and how we can all contribute to build a better community.

So I hope you can make it and will look forward to seeing you there.

Please see below the event details;

Building A Better Community

Date: 26th March 2017

Location: Muslim World League Building, 46 Goodge Street, London, W1T 4LU

To register;