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Re: [ljc] Devoxx UK Needs Your Help - Can You Spare Some Time for a Free Ticket?

From: Abraham Marín P.
Sent on: Monday, May 2, 2016, 3:55 PM
Hi all,

I just wanted to follow up on Maggie's email. I have volunteered for Devoxx UK in the past and it was a great experience, something that I definitely recommend; the only reason I'm not doing it this year is because I can't spare the days at work. You get to see how a conference is organised from the inside, which is a learning experience you can't easily get otherwise.

If you can, do it.


[masked]:58 GMT+01:00 Maggie Cranford <[address removed]>:

Hi guys,

I hope you are enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend (or enjoyed it if you are reading this later in the week!).

I writing today to pass on a message from our friends at Devoxx UK, who are looking for volunteers for this year’s conference. Volunteering is a great way to get to attend top conferences when you are on a budget. While you will have tasks and responsibilities, you’ll also have the chance to listen in to some of the talks and presentations. There’s a post in the RecWorks blog that tells you more. Anyway - here’s the message from Devoxx! 

Devoxx UK wouldn’t run without the Java community. We’re asking for the communities help to make this year’s event amazing!

We need people to help us on the ground between June 8th and 10th. The idea is simple, you work for a portion of the event and get the same amount of time to catch as many sessions as you like. You don’t have to volunteer for the full 3 days. Your ticket’s free and we’ll make sure you’re well fed and watered. Your tasks will range from making sure sessions run smoothly, to helping us set-up exhibition space to making sure everyone has a great experience.

It’s a great way to network, make new friends and see what goes into making a developer community event.

If you’re interested, or know someone who is, send a mail to the organisers. (The meetup site may not allow me to include the email address here, but you’ll find it in the contact information on the website:  [address removed])

 Thanks for reading! If you do volunteer, please let me know how you find the experience. 

Best wishes,


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