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equinox party HA, HA, HA

From: Charlene
Sent on: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10:14 AM
Yeah, I know you're just reposting something that some idiot at CFI posted.  That's why its important to check facts before you just repeat something some idiot said on the internet and present it as a fact, lol!
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "SUMMER EQUINOX"!!!  There are two equinoxes - the spring and autumnal.  In the summer there is the solstice.
I'm embarasses to be associated with such ignorance.
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From: Atheists United <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, June 22,[masked]:47 PM
Subject: [westocatheists] equinox party

Atheist United General Meeting
This Sunday June 24, 2012
11 AM at CFI West
4773 Hollywood Bl
Los Angeles CA 90027
Come help us celebrate the summer equinox. We will be having a party and BBQ.
A variety of Board Games will be available as well as activities and games for the kids. So come on by and play your favorite game or simply sit and chat with friends.

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