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X-post: LABDUG - What is the big idea with ZooKeeper? by Jan Gelin of The Rubicon Project

From: Subash D.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 3:15 PM

The LABDUG is hosting Jan Gelin of The Rubicon Project

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The Rubicon Project utilizes a number of distributed computer systems that install Apache Zookeeper as a core component of their infrastructure.This talk is an introduction to how Zookeeper works and pointers to consider when deploying zookeeper in a distributed system such as Hadoop or similar system.
Furthermore, I will go through the internal components and some of the gotchas.
I will spotlight some of the concepts by using concrete examples and a little bit of code. The aim is that after the talk you will be able to improve your understanding of your distributed system and maybe trigger a distributed system of your own?



Jan is VP of Engineering and Chief Systems Architect. Jan leads the company’s architecture group. The architecture group is responsible for developing and inventing scalable and critical building blocks and frameworks for the business software applications. This metric driven team takes hardware and software into consideration to optimize performance for automation.

Jan was an early pioneer of the Internet, developed 22 country sites in over 8 years for AltaVista and holds two search patents. In 2003, Jan joined Yahoo! and developed three generations of contextual matching engines.

Jan is Swedish with degrees in Biochemistry and Computer Engineering.


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