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Re: [la-history] Meetup next Saturday

From: Denice
Sent on: Saturday, October 29, 2011, 12:43 PM
Hi Rudy,

Can't make this one, but I will one of these times!


-----Original Message-----
From: Rudy <[address removed]>
To: la-history-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Sat, Oct 29,[masked]:59 am
Subject: [la-history] Meetup next Saturday

Hello Everyone,
Next Saturday, (Nov 5th) will be a meet-up at Olvera Street/Plaza area.
There is really a lot of history of early Los Angeles within a small radius.
The Avila Adobe house and the Plaza Fire House museum are free and Chinese American Museum suggests a minimum donation of $3.00 It's a small museum but has lot's of photos and some artifacts from the site  of the original Chinatown which was in the area where Union Station is now.
I don't think the Italian American Museum is open...yet.
Here is a link that lists many of the historic buildings in the plaza area.
See you there!

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To learn more about Rudy, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]