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Olvera Street Meetup on Saturday, November 5th!

From: Rudy
Sent on: Friday, November 4, 2011, 11:39 AM


Weather should be great! But on the cool side.

Be sure to bring your camera! Especially of you enjoy LA architecture at it's beginning. The buildings are all within the strolling plaza area. And if you have not been here in years,  they have really rehabed these historic buildings in the last few years. If you're rarely in this area and would like to take as much advantage as possible,  when the meetup is over, you can walk walk a block down and have a beef French dip sandwich at Phillippe. Of course, if you come via the Goldline, you can take in the amazing Union Station.

PLEASE DISREGARD the repeated follow-ups for the the Olvera Street meetup. The Olvera Street meetup is for November 5th only! Still learning to use the tools on this site. (:-)

See you there
