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Need a ticket to WordCamp Orange County? Two ways to win.

From: Natalie M.
Sent on: Thursday, May 16, 2013, 6:07 PM

Yes, WordPress fans, WordCamp Orange County sold out in just a few hours. But your fearless SoCal WP Organizers have two ways you can win a ticket!

Contest #1:

We are lucky enough to be in possession of an extra ticket to WordCamp Orange County. We'll be raffling that off at our upcoming meetup on May 21st. A small wait list has formed, but there's still a great chance you'll get in if you RSVP. RSVP here. [note: if you're on the yes list and can't make it, please be considerate and update your RSVP]

Contest #2:

Chris Lema featured one of your organizers, Natalie, on his blog today. You can read the post here. Inside that post, you'll find the details for a Twitter contest for one free WordCamp Orange County ticket.


Best of luck to you and we hope to see you at WordCamp Orange County. Natalie's presenting, along with Chris Lema, Lucy Beer, Brad Williams, Chris Ford, Steve Zehngut, Alex Vasquez, Dre Armeda, John Hawkins and lots of other WordPress rockstars.

See you Tuesday!
--Natalie and Noel
Your SoCalWP organizers

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