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Meditation, Community Building Meeting and Vegetarian Potluck Dinner December 19, 2010

From: LOTUS S.
Sent on: Thursday, December 2, 2010, 3:58 PM
Dear Dharma Family,

As discussed during our Sangha meetings, the Board of Directors of the Broward Lotus Sangha would like to invite you to attend our yearly Meditation, Sangha Community Building Meeting and Vegetarian Potluck Dinner on Sunday December 19th at 6:30 PM.

This is an opportunity for us to share mindfulness meditation, warm fellowship, tasty food, and sharing from our hearts.

As we celebrate the end of 2010, we can the sangha know how it served us in the past, what suggestions we have to help the sangha serve us better in the near future, and bring forth our ideas for making our community more meaningful to us.

We can discuss how to build sangha, what new programs we would like to see offered, and what direction we would like to see the sangha take. During the past year some of us have provided some wonderful suggestions and this is our opportunity to offer them to the Sangha.

We hope you will join us for mindfulness meditation practice In the Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, warm fellowship, tasty food, and sharing from our hearts.

Please RSVP by clicking here:
and email us any suggestions you may have prior to the meeting to include them in the Agenda. Thank you.

Please bring your wonderful energy, ideas, favorite vegetarian dish, healthy teas, finger foods or desserts to share with the Sangha, and your own non-disposable cup, eating utensils and plate to be kind to the Earth Mother. We hope to see you there.

For more information about us and detailed directions, please visit

smile Come Sit and Build Sangha With Us!

Peace is Every Step

Broward Lotus Sangha

For more details, see the full listing:

When: Sunday, December 19,[masked]:30 PM

Where: BLS
7185 Pembroke Road
(Corner of 72nd Ave. & Pembroke Road-Across from North Perry Airport)
Pembroke Pines-Hollywood-Miramar, FL 33023

Please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Maybe" as well as "Yes".)

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