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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Important Message from Jose, your "organizer".

From: user 2.
Sent on: Thursday, May 29, 2008, 5:40 PM
Hello dear members,
When I first started this meetup gig, I never thought that it would be as succesful as it has turned out. I thought that it would be just a small hand full of members that would get together every once in a while for some tea......well, here we are......187 members strong. Who would have guessed? It has been quite the blessing. But as life usually shows us, change is inevitable; and for me, it is time for change.
Over the past few months I have had the blessing of many amazing experiences. Due to those experiences, i have been steered in directions that have limited the time that I have. I have been very lucky that Martha has been able to take the load off of me as co-organizer and I am extemely grateful for her diligence, care, love and understanding; but it is now time for me to step down as the official "organizer" of this group. In doing so, the responsibility will fall into the hands of whomever decides to step up to the plate. The process goes like this: I officially step down; the meetup company will send notice to all the members in order to inform you of the recent news; upon do so, they will ask if anyone wants to continue as organizer in order to keep the group going; whomever wants the responsibility just has to go through the process that meetup instructs for you. Please be aware that as an organizer you will be responsible for the monthly fee. Fees are as follows: 6 months prepaid is $12.00/month; 3 months prepaid is $15.00/month; month to month is $19.00/month.
I personally would love to see the group continue; but I know that time and money for such a responsibility is not easily attained by everyone. I can only hope for the best.
I plan to officially step down in about a couple of weeks. My hope is that it will give the members some time to ponder the issue.

Love, light and blessings to you all.

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