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Feast of Fields and More Leisure Classes

From: Charlie R.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 1:22 PM


Hey Everyone,


Wow it's already the middle of October, where has the time gone?  We've had so many fun things going on this year!  I apologize we have not been able to put each and every leisure class on the Meetup page.  We are constantly updating the main website and adding new classes weekly.  To find the most recent and up to date class schedule please go to


Also, I know you've probably received the Feast of Fields update.  I wanted to tell you a little more about it.  If you are a true foodie, who I know most of you are, then this is your dream come true.  This event is going to be set up outside of the Orangerie inside of the Burden Center.  Early November weather should be perfect!  If you have not been to the Budern Center its right off I-10 and Essen, you can't miss it.  It is a perfect site and we will be surrounded by rose bushes, trees, and so much beautiful agriculture. 


We will have three working stations firing up fresh appetizers, showcasing products made by the Farmers, Chefs, and LCI students.  We will also have an open bar flowing with local Louisiana wines and traditional spirits.


The menu is going to be absolutely amazing.  Everything is seasonal, local, and fresh.  This menu was designed by Chef Ryan Andre of Le Creole, Chef Sean Rivera, LCI Chef Instructors Colt Patin, Alex Hamman, and Angela Wilson.  A 5 course meal may seem like a lot but it will be portioned properly so you won’t be leaving felling too stuffed.  You’ll get a true taste of Louisiana in the Fall.   


Mixed Green Salad with Satsuma Vinaigrette, Toasted Pecans and Goat Cheese

Vermillion Bay Sweet Shrimp Court Bouillon with Gueydan Popcorn Rice

Burnt Satsuma Sorbet Intermezzo

Seared Louisiana Duck Breast with Sweet Potato Au Gratin, Sautéed Bitter Greens, and Spicy Steen’s Glaze

Rice Imperial with Satsuma Caramel and Crispy Sweet Potato Chips



Feast of Fields is limited to only 100 seats!  Dress is Business Casual.  Moving forward we are going to try and do this a couple of times a year and continue to promote everything Louisiana!  


If you have any questions please feel free to email me [address removed].  To purchase tickets contact Pam Hodson at[masked] or email [address removed].  A PayPal link will be available to the public in a few days but if you want to RSVP now please call or email Pam.


We hope to see everyone soon and have a great day!




Charlie Ruffolo

Public Affairs